Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bank Robbery in Downtown

Saw this happen earlier today (9/26/07) in downtown LA. Masked thieves running out to a getaway car, only to be surrounded by cops who run right by them into the bank, allowing thieves to escape! When it was all over a director yelled "reset!" and the scene unfolded again.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

New Year's gift to collectors — Barbie in erotic underwear

Erotic doll

Company Mattel owning the rights to a world famous children's toy — Barbie — is full determination by Christmas holidays to put on the market a new variant of the doll, informs

The given copy will present the sixth series of dolls Lingerie Barbie devoted to production of company Lingerie, making elite underwear. The updated Barbie will appear, under the promise of the manufacturer, "simply impudent in the scarlet truncated satiny combination edged by a black band" and stockings which "give a stylishness touch".

Barbie for adults

Doll will make in the limited circulation calculated more likely on collectors, rather than for girls. And to sell such doll it is possible only "for children of 14 years and is more senior".
"We did not count on children" — so has commented on a novelty the press-secretary of company Mattel Ria Freydl. Cost of one copy will make about 45 dollars — on the average "usual" Barbie's twice more costs.

Sexual doll

Barbie's sexual doll

Related Posts: Barbie doll

Friday, September 18, 2009

Universal will show the Universe of a doll of Barbie

Barbie doll

Company Mattel and film studio Universal Pictures have entered into the agreement on teamwork over a feature film devoted by one of the most popular toys — Barbie's doll, informs The Hollywood Reporter.

Event it is really significant for the film industry as the Hollywood studios earlier repeatedly addressing to Mattel behind the permission to shootings of such picture, invariably were refused.

By the producer of the project it is appointed Laurence Mark, in which active work on such films, as "Jerry Maguire" and "Julie & Julia".

Barbie's doll role

While it is not known, in Barbie's which kind which full name Barbara Millicent Roberts, will appear in a film. For the long life she has had time to visit the student of college, the pilot, the army officer, the racer and even the astronaut.

I will remind, that Barbie's doll has celebrated this year the 50-year-old anniversary. The creator of a doll considers Root Handler, named a new toy of the daughter.

Barbie goes to Hollywood

Related Posts: Barbie doll

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cross Country Courses

Highlights of the 2009 Port of Los Angeles Cal Maritime Invitational Intercollegiate Regatta hosted by Los Angeles Yacht Club held March 13-15.

In Germany the paper chancellor was born

On the threshold of general election coming in Germany publishing house Onkel and Onkel has presented the undressed Angela Merkel's paper doll and the book "Angie Dressbook", from which it is possible to cut out dresses to dress toy Angela, informs Frankfurter Allgemeine.

The book is made just like the popular toys which were issued in Germany after war when usual toys were not or the population did not presume to get real dolls for children.

The figure for clothing represents Merkel in the white closed bathing suit. In the book of 5 dresses, among them evening dress Audrey Hepburn from a film "Breakfast at Tiffany's", dress Marilyn Monroe with a fluttering skirt and a national German suit.

Toy Angela Merkel — a democracy symbol

Besides, Angela Merkel can be dressed in the field form of the Bundeswehr and a helmet. German assault rifle G36 is applied on the dress. "We also understand it as democracy, — have informed in publishing house Onkel and Onkel. — Everyone can create the own image of the chancellor".

Let's remind, that earlier American company on manufacture of toys and video games Mattel has made a variant of a doll of Barbie, representing Angela Merkel. For a doll founders have borrowed a hairdress of the chancellor, a black business suit and a pink vest.

Angela Merkel

Chancellor Germany

Chancellor Angela

Doll chancellor

National German suit


Print by: Onkel & Onkel

The paper dress for the chancellor

Related Posts: Dress

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

In India there will be a variant of a doll of Barbie

Katrina Kaif

In India in September, 2009 Barbie's local doll will go on sale. About it The Daily Telegraph newspaper on April, 22nd writes.

The American company Mattel has dated the decision on release of the Indian variant of Barbie for the 50 anniversary of the character. A doll have created in March, 1959.

Barbie's Indian doll

24-year-old Indian movie star Katrina Kaif becomes a prototype for new Barbie. Film critics notice that Kaif gives special charm a combination of a light skin to classical Indian features. The actress has declared what to become Barbie's prototype — a great honour to it.

This year company Mattel has already let out Barbie which image is similar to German chancellor Angela Merkel.

The Indian movie star Katrina Kaif

Related Posts: Barbie doll

Friday, September 11, 2009

Design of the Californian Olympic tickets

Metro offers regularly scheduled as well as special request group tours of the artwork in the Metro Rail system. Tours are led by trained Metro Docent Council volunteers.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The best schools of the world under version DeZeen

All architects in the world once went to school.

Were for certain students. Then they became adults — and built schools! Magazine Dezeen has placed estimations — whose school of all more lovely, it is finer and cleverer than all? Look TOP-10 buildings for educational institutions.

№1. Tama Art University Library, Tokyo, the author of project Toyo Ito, the architect from Japan.

Library, Tokyo

The project second for popularity: Innovation Tower at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the author of project Zaha Hadid Architects.

Tower, Hong Kong

The third place: High School №9, the author of project Coop Himmelblau.

High School

The following project: Luigi Bocconi University, the project of Irish company Grafton Architects constructed in Milan.

University, Milan

The fifth place. Project Steven Holl Architects, the punched steps for Faculty of philosophy of the New York University (NYU).


The sixth place. A sports hall, school 704, project H Arquitectes, Barbera-del-Valles, Spain.

Sports hall

The seventh place. Additional premises for Seu University to Spain, the project of young Spanish architect CrystalZoo.

University, Spain

The eighth place. Project Kadawittfeldarchitektur, a building of a children's garden, Austria. In facade registration metal elements which are similar to a grass are used.


The ninth place: Panta Rhei school, the Netherlands, the Dutch architect i29 used poetry as a registration element.

School, Netherlands

10 place: the Project of Latvian architects Substance — an elementary school, a sports hall.

Elementary school

Pavilion of ideas for the World's fair in China

External platform

The Pavilion of Ideas, project Heatherwick Studio, has won the five competitors who have entered in short-list of competition of projects of design of the British Pavilion for the World's fair which will take place in Shanghai (Shanghai 2010 Expo).

The pavilion looks as a box with one thousand beams. There is an illusion, that the bud from thin rods is groundless.

All thin rays are mobile and move together with a wind. On their tips colour diodes about which help it is possible to create on a surface various images are fixed.

Pavilion illusion

In pavilion visitors become spectators of the action visualised on the huge screen.

The external platform round pavilion becomes an exposition and an audience, and also a place for cafe and the shops surrounded with strips of a grass.

The pavilion will be as much as possible harmless, designers will try to use only processed materials. The object easy, not demanding the concrete basis, “gently concerns the earths” — so has been written in release.

Innovative technologies of the Polish architects


The Polish architects of company Moomoo will create the house overturning representation of the inhabitant about building materials.

All the matter is that the house is constructed of plastic as a rule, used for a roof — plastic isolating material Thermopian.

Good thermal

Thermopian has good thermal, acoustic and isolating properties, can be painted any colour what is required.

The design of the house is traditional for constructions in Poland, and is limited only by the legislation. Providing not to exceed a certain quota of square metres. There is only one essential difference about the next houses in shape — a roof as if "is lifted up" by one end of a building.
Building plan to finish in 2010.

House overturning

The house from details LEGO

James May

Likely, the house can be constructed of any handy materials. But, as they say, and in a head would not come at all, that it's possible to buy designers LEGO and with pleasure to lay out from unlimited number of small colour details real construction. James May, the fan of toys from England, has made so.

The two-storeyed LEGO-palace is located in the vineyard centre.

In the house there is even a working bathroom! Each brick is generated from 727 details LEGO. For construction of such house it is necessary more than 3 million bricks, that is about 816 million details LEGO. Very entertaining designer!

LEGO fan


Real construction

Million details LEGO

Hypnos from Citroën the winner of year

Citroen hypnos

The manufacturer of French cars Citroën has presented design of kontsept-model Hypnos, a dizelno-electric hybrid which has received a rank of the kontsept-car of year from British magazine Autocar.

In the car in length of 4,9 metres automatic doors, a unique arrangement of seats and an upholstery are equipped by the components similar to a prism. The videocamera built in a ceiling observes of a look of the driver, and, depending on mood, changes illumination and a smell.

The British designer of an interior of model Hypnos, Leighanne Earley, has received award Autocar as Automotive Leader of the Future. The design has been presented on Paris Motor Show in October.

Fine proportions and practically physiological style Hypnos represents the real concept of a hybrid of technologies and appearance.

The elegant crossover unites style of a sports compartment, comfort of a sedan and a practicality of space of an off-road car. Hypnos it's equipped by new hybrid installation HYmotion4 which unites dynamic representation with ecological compatibility and allows the car to be economic, despite power of 200HP.

Hypnos offers us an effective sight at the future of cars of a class lux which will combine innovative and intellectual technologies, such as system of recognition of a voice and adaptation of internal characteristics under mood of the owner, massage armchairs, the illumination sensitive to temperature, and others.

Citroen Concept

Citroen concept car


Salon hypnos

The sizes of model: 4,9m at length, 2,17m at width, 1,58 in height, wheels of 56cm.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mattel has released Barbie in the form of Angela Merkel

The German chancellor

The American company on manufacture of toys and video plays Mattel has released alternative of a doll of Barbie, representing the federal chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, informs Der Spiegel.
The doll has been presented at 60th annual fair of toys in Nuremberg.

For a doll founders have borrowed Angela Merkel's some characteristic features: a hair colour and a hairstyle, a black business suit and a pink vest. However, in the rest, the design of standard alternative of Barbie has not undergone the changes, therefore many visitors of fair could not learn in a doll of the German chancellor.

In 2005 the German producer of toys Schildroet also has released a doll representing Angela Merkel. The toy was on sale for 225 dollars.

Doll politicians

Last years dolls and figures in the form of known people and politicians became popular. In the USA there were dolls "Barack Obama", "Sarah Palin", in Russia — nested dolls "Dmitry Medvedev", "Vladimir Putin", "Osama bin Laden". In France the doll-voodoo representing president Nicholas Sarkozy has been released. The set of spokes that it could be pierced was applied on a doll.

Angela Merkel

Chancellor Angela Merkel

Nicholas Sarkozy

Obama's daughters

President Obama

The Pope

Barack Obama

Sarah Palin

US President Talking Doll

Related Posts: Barbie doll


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