Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pavilion of ideas for the World's fair in China

External platform

The Pavilion of Ideas, project Heatherwick Studio, has won the five competitors who have entered in short-list of competition of projects of design of the British Pavilion for the World's fair which will take place in Shanghai (Shanghai 2010 Expo).

The pavilion looks as a box with one thousand beams. There is an illusion, that the bud from thin rods is groundless.

All thin rays are mobile and move together with a wind. On their tips colour diodes about which help it is possible to create on a surface various images are fixed.

Pavilion illusion

In pavilion visitors become spectators of the action visualised on the huge screen.

The external platform round pavilion becomes an exposition and an audience, and also a place for cafe and the shops surrounded with strips of a grass.

The pavilion will be as much as possible harmless, designers will try to use only processed materials. The object easy, not demanding the concrete basis, “gently concerns the earths” — so has been written in release.

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