Friday, September 18, 2009

Universal will show the Universe of a doll of Barbie

Barbie doll

Company Mattel and film studio Universal Pictures have entered into the agreement on teamwork over a feature film devoted by one of the most popular toys — Barbie's doll, informs The Hollywood Reporter.

Event it is really significant for the film industry as the Hollywood studios earlier repeatedly addressing to Mattel behind the permission to shootings of such picture, invariably were refused.

By the producer of the project it is appointed Laurence Mark, in which active work on such films, as "Jerry Maguire" and "Julie & Julia".

Barbie's doll role

While it is not known, in Barbie's which kind which full name Barbara Millicent Roberts, will appear in a film. For the long life she has had time to visit the student of college, the pilot, the army officer, the racer and even the astronaut.

I will remind, that Barbie's doll has celebrated this year the 50-year-old anniversary. The creator of a doll considers Root Handler, named a new toy of the daughter.

Barbie goes to Hollywood

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