Thursday, September 17, 2009

In Germany the paper chancellor was born

On the threshold of general election coming in Germany publishing house Onkel and Onkel has presented the undressed Angela Merkel's paper doll and the book "Angie Dressbook", from which it is possible to cut out dresses to dress toy Angela, informs Frankfurter Allgemeine.

The book is made just like the popular toys which were issued in Germany after war when usual toys were not or the population did not presume to get real dolls for children.

The figure for clothing represents Merkel in the white closed bathing suit. In the book of 5 dresses, among them evening dress Audrey Hepburn from a film "Breakfast at Tiffany's", dress Marilyn Monroe with a fluttering skirt and a national German suit.

Toy Angela Merkel — a democracy symbol

Besides, Angela Merkel can be dressed in the field form of the Bundeswehr and a helmet. German assault rifle G36 is applied on the dress. "We also understand it as democracy, — have informed in publishing house Onkel and Onkel. — Everyone can create the own image of the chancellor".

Let's remind, that earlier American company on manufacture of toys and video games Mattel has made a variant of a doll of Barbie, representing Angela Merkel. For a doll founders have borrowed a hairdress of the chancellor, a black business suit and a pink vest.

Angela Merkel

Chancellor Germany

Chancellor Angela

Doll chancellor

National German suit


Print by: Onkel & Onkel

The paper dress for the chancellor

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