Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Stability of new level

Level Green

The new exhibition, “Level Green”, advances importance of technologies and a sustainable development.

Curators of the project became architect J. Mayer, the architect, and Art+Com Berlin.

As for any live organism, each element of an exhibition is united in the homogeneous structures containing a content and technical installations.

The exhibition purpose — advancement of scientific research of the modern technologies perceived as necessity for a survival in the future.

The clockwork received by crossing of industrial design with the Japanese vision


The professional in branch of industrial design, Ross Lovegrove, has created design of these hours for Japanese fashion-brand Issey Miyake.

Hours are called “Hu” — reduced from “human”. The dial is displaced from the central line of design on 25 degrees to the right.

Valley of dinosaurs for the Chinese megacity

Chinese skyscraper

Two towers in height of 60 floors everyone will grow in the Chinese city of Hangchow, thanks to practising architects from UNStudio.

Their form has reminded us the very tall dinosaurs living on a planet the Earth once.
The project has received name Raffles City, the trading areas, offices, apartments and hotel here will be placed.
“The project philosophy — to integrate multifunctionality into a city context so that the architectural object was entered in a city landscape”, — the author of the project speaks Ben van Berkel.

Skyscraper in China

Total area of buildings — 300 000 square metres. It is planned to finish building in 2012 year.

Live calendar


Spanish designer Oscar Diaz has suggested users to recover quite material calendar.

On a white field with dates, according to a smooth course of time, bright ink of the fine colour reminding a cocktail with ice-cream from a bilberry, a strawberry and a raspberry, which now, in the middle of July that is called, in the prime of life… extend.

Every month you need to attach in a place of viewing a blank leaf and new to bank of ink. Daily ink paints new figure which, on idea of the author, should correspond to the calendar.

Future calendar

Ink (it would be desirable to tell "bilberry") the calendar will be shown at an exhibition in Madrid (DiseƱo con Alma de Agua).

On idea of the author, the calendar corresponds to the concept of time conceptually: the calendar not only signals that new day has come, but is in process — passes day by day gradually.
The project purpose — to address to our feelings, and not just to reason.

Digital calendar

New tower from Zaha Hadid

Business centre

Company Zaha Hadid Architects has developed design of a high-rise building which will be constructed in the centre of capital of Romania, Bucharest. The tower is edged by a graceful trellised facade.

In a building the five-stars hotel, business centre, a casino, the trading areas, apartments and an underground parking will be located.

By plans building will come to the end in 2013 year.
Total area of object of 100,000 metres square.
The tower has received name Dorobanti Tower.

High-rise building

Musical Organizations. Los Angeles. Olympic Games 1932


Olympic Communication System in Los Angeles


Traffic control on Olympic games in Los Angeles


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

For all fans Barbie and a film/book «Twilight»

Twilight Barbie

In October the improbable will come true. In sale these two remarkable dolls — characters of a film «Twilight» will arrive. They necessarily will and at me in a collection! They should be bought, as the film «Twilight» is mine, perhaps, favourite film of 2009.

Related Posts: Barbie doll

Lounge Kitties Online Exclusive Barbie

In this collection of 2004 2 dolls + one which was on sale exclusively on a site barbiecollector.com.

Barbie's tigressBarbie's tigress — a doll in a glamour suit of a white cat with black-gold strips. At this doll even hair are painted by strips, and on a head from them in the form of ears (as well as at all by Barbie very original hairdress is made of this collection). The make-up underlines the big and expressive eyes that adds similarities to the graceful cat who has is impressive settled down in a leopard armchair.
Barbie's catBarbie's cat — has settled down on a sofa in the form of close scarlet lips. Suit Kitties Barbie something reminds suit Halle Berry from a film "Cat Woman".
Leopard BarbieLeopard Barbie carries really a smart and defiantly-seductive suit of a leopard colouring with a long plush tail. All dolls very smartly look and are really original.

Related Posts: Barbie doll

Barbie and Ken: Anniversary Photosession

Glamor Barbie

Glamor Barbie & Ken

Photo-set of Barbie and Ken in the elegant clothes (designed by Karl Lagerfeld) — very impressive and photogenic.

Barbies wedding
Evening dress
Stylish Barbie
Fashionable Barbie
Smart dress
Lady and gentleman
Extravagant pair

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The beauty is appreciated expensively

Barbie in wonderland

This smart Barbie-Maria Antoinette in a role of the Queen of hearts from Alice in wonderland from tremendous artist Passion has been exposed today on eBay. The starting price of 299 US dollars. Not cheaply for Barbie, the truth?
This Barbie has undergone to full reconstruction, has received a new attractive face and the smart suit sewed manually. And all accessories are how much in details worked! Really a work of art!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Undead Barbie

Undead Barbie

That speak, and Barbie have taken in hand not worse a tetris, Sony PS3 and Lego.

Now the doll lawfully receives the doll status for all times. Unsinkable Barbie by definition now also the immortal. Whether I do not know there are doll horror films, but such Barbie successfully would play there a leading role. She is the real zombie-beauty which style is sustained faultlessly and does not leave doubts.


Doll skull

Skull doll

At present author Are Sundnes from Oslo improves a doll image and works over appropriate packing for the awful toy beauty.

Related Posts: Barbie doll

Toys from toys


I in the childhood, being the normal and quiet child, always tore off to head dolls. Also selected tanks and automatic machines at big brothers. And still I liked to rearrange parts of different naked dolls, and I considered the main thing, that Barbie's head is perfectly looked on barrel Š¢-34.

You never reflected how many it is required dolls to create, for example, one mad deer? Such by Korean designer Sang Von Sung creates the characters of the new world of plastic toys.

Combinations of heads, hands and feet, since the childhood familiar to each person, in hands of the designer, get a ridiculous and simultaneously frightening image. They are childly ridiculous, but their main charm in idea of a new life and secondary use.




Doll not for children


Many doubts were at me before to add this article. Because its heroine — anti-barbi “Barbitch” (a doll for adults). More precisely, the whole series: the conventual, a devil, the prostitute, the cowgirl, well and, of course, the nurse.

The creator of «Bad Barbie» Carmen Gomez (45 summer girl from Switzerland), says, that these toys «stimulate imagination at adults and provoke creativity».

Carmen Gomez

Difficultly with it to argue, I think, in Japan already the preorder for these dolls. But nevertheless, the theme is ambiguous, can, therefore to look other photos you is necessary here.

Super Maria

Sacred Barbie

In the world in which there was no anything sacred Barbie's sacred quite logically occurrence or the sacred geisha. It is not excluded, that in 1000 people will trust in one of such sacred and to pray to super Maria.


For now, French artist Soasig Chamaillard makes advances to religion, and it is possible to tell, that is very graceful and even it is beautiful, transforming St. Maria's figure in a souvenir. Whether thus religion will be more clear and closer to the artist? He searches for the answer...

Indian Barbie

To probably, believing people, especially Catholics, it will seem true blasphemy, I, from its part, respect the creative approach to everything, even to such disputable kind of knowledge as belief. After all, with the advent of belief and religion people have shared on those who trusts, does not trust and doubts.

The artist, as a rule, doubts...

The Barbie destroyed the Bratz

Dools Bratz

Barbie VS Bratz

The perverted dollThe federal court of the USA has passed the accusatory decision to company «MGA Entertainment» which possesses the rights to Bratz doll.

The court is initiated by Mattel company — the cult Barbie's doll founder. If Bratz will not appeal against the decision, they lose many $ milliard.

Bratz VS Barbie

Barbie VS Bratz
Bratz VS Barbie

Related Posts: Barbie

Ornaments from parts of a body of Barbie

Barbie's handles

BreastOne of the brightest disappointments in 10-11 years when you understand, that any more you do not presume to play to yourself Barbie — the childhood yet has not ended, but here the favourite doll with Ken and other members of numerous family should be hidden nevertheless far away from extraneous eyes, and even it is better — to give to younger sister. But the love to a thin waist, handles, blue eyes and bending to knees will not disappear never.

Body partsOf it it is assured and Margaux Lange, the designer of jeweller ornaments. Margaux has found a way how to leave Barbie in our life. It appears very simply — it is necessary to think up a collection of the accessories made of parts of a body of a doll-dream. Without irony business has not managed — there are some ornaments, their made parts of a body of Ken.

«Barbie has made considerable impact on my creative development when I was the child. The doll always was the invaluable tool for expansion of my imagination. And I am glad, that now Barbie on former remains near to me, — tells Margaux, — to Argue there is no sense: Barbie a style icon, a celebrity more abruptly some and Barbie really makes the big impact on people, and especially — on the American society».



Related Posts: Barbie doll

Louboutin has presented Barbie's shoes

Barbie's shoes

In company Mattel have decided, that for celebrating of the 50 anniversary a doll which competitors have died, not having lived and till ten years, Barbie does not have worthy accessories. It was offered to best designers to sew festive attires for the beauty, and to create footwear the name of this lucky beggar — Christian Louboutin has been entrusted only to one person.

"I always knew, that in me there is a latent female essence which is fan of Barbie, - the designer tells, — And, to this my nature, vital to carry excellent shoes because it is necessary for each girl to carry excellent shoes".

Christian Louboutin

Christian leaves autographs only on personally made footwear.

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