Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ornaments from parts of a body of Barbie

Barbie's handles

BreastOne of the brightest disappointments in 10-11 years when you understand, that any more you do not presume to play to yourself Barbie — the childhood yet has not ended, but here the favourite doll with Ken and other members of numerous family should be hidden nevertheless far away from extraneous eyes, and even it is better — to give to younger sister. But the love to a thin waist, handles, blue eyes and bending to knees will not disappear never.

Body partsOf it it is assured and Margaux Lange, the designer of jeweller ornaments. Margaux has found a way how to leave Barbie in our life. It appears very simply — it is necessary to think up a collection of the accessories made of parts of a body of a doll-dream. Without irony business has not managed — there are some ornaments, their made parts of a body of Ken.

«Barbie has made considerable impact on my creative development when I was the child. The doll always was the invaluable tool for expansion of my imagination. And I am glad, that now Barbie on former remains near to me, — tells Margaux, — to Argue there is no sense: Barbie a style icon, a celebrity more abruptly some and Barbie really makes the big impact on people, and especially — on the American society».



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