Sunday, August 9, 2009

Viewing tower from Ateliereen Architecten

Viewing tower

The Dutch architects of company Ateliereen Architecten have finished building of a 25-metre tower in sports park Reusel (Holland). The structure consists of six steel boxes set against each other.

Tower walls are executed from the wooden logs which have been grown up in the nearest woods. In Holland more than 50 points designated on map, are samples of fine development of a natural landscape.

The Dutch tower

Visitors are recommended to park the cars far from these places, and then to investigate the nature on foot, on mountain bicycles, in horse walks. 25 metre tower located in objects of sports appointment, is the main sight of a city. The tower serves as a training complex for climbers and rock-climbers.

Two of six cubes are accessible to visitors. In the third the platform for cable car start has settled down. In the uppermost cube there is a platform from which people can take pleasure in a panoramic kind on a surrounding landscape.

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