Saturday, August 15, 2009

The chromeplated web

Google Chrome

Searcher Google announced browser Chrome which beta version should leave on September, 2nd at once for hundred countries.
Chrome becomes the competitor for browsers — Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Opera.

Hearings about that in Google the browser is developed, go some years. In 2004 the searcher has registered a domain name, and in the beginning of 2005 has employed leading developer Mozilla Firefox. In 2006 general director Google Eric Schmidt has declared that the company does not plan release of own browser as existing quite arrange users. To it very few people has believed.

The main priorities of developers of browser Chrome of a steel stability, speed of work, safety, the simple user interface and opening of initial codes. It is necessary to tell that anything unusual in such priorities is not present — they (probably, behind an exception open source) should be the purpose of founders of any browsers. An another matter that not always the declared purposes really dictate a working out direction.

Browser Chrome — innovative project Google

Employees Google use all products on work, including own post system with its web interface and office package Google Docs in which it is possible to create, edit and read documents, without leaving a browser. Therefore very much it was not pleasant to them, when one of tabs (tab) pulled down all browser.

The non-standard architectural decision has been as a result chosen. Each tab to browser Chrome is separate process. If something goes not so this process will disappear only, and all other tabs will continue work.

Except search, Google specialises on creation of web applications. Environment in which all would work quickly — in particular, language JavaScript on which the client part of such programs is written was necessary to them.

This technology Google has promised to open to manufacturers of other browsers. The reason is obvious — it is necessary to corporation, that its applications everywhere were started quickly and without problems. It is interesting that in Mozilla where work over Firefox, too actively optimise JavaScript. Recently there were messages that new mechanism JavaScript in this browser will be several times faster old.

Tested all these innovations in style Google — the special boat bypasses sites and tries to load them in Chrome. Thus, each new assemblage of a browser is checked on tens thousand different sites. The most popular get out. Well and besides, a browser in an automatic mode drove under the tests created for Webkit. At first the browser has passed only 23 percent of tests. To the beta version it passes 99.

Chrome Trailer

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