Sunday, June 28, 2009

«Mattel» besieges Europe

Barbie's car

The American company Mattel making the most popular doll in the world, Barbie, exposes the tender for media planning and sales across Europe. The contract volume makes more than 100 million dollars.

Barbie dollAccording to the informed sources, Mattel in the end of current month will meet a number of agencies, and then will make the list of participants of competition. The tender is a component of process of the general revision of contracts.

On the majority of the European markets, except for the Eastern Europe, agency MindShare entering into advertising-communication holding WPP Group is engaged in service of media contracts of the company. In particular, the holding has a contract on media planning and sales in the Great Britain, the size in 10 million pounds ($20 million). The contract on creative service is at agency Ogilvy and Mather (also WPP Group).

Related Posts: Barbie doll

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