Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Legend of Angels

Many places are easier for understanding if to listen, that about them speak local and visitors. Here that, for example, often speak about Los Angeles...

Los Angeles is the big village occupied mainly by cars

CaliforniaCars in Los Angeles, really, an abyss. Big Los Angeles the beginnings seriously to be under construction only in the XX-th century when have appeared and two new branches — cinematography and aircraft construction began to grow quickly.

As a result all district has from the very beginning appeared planned counting on the car. Any time all was normal, but then the number of cars has grown to unforeseen heights, and stoppers on roads and problems with parking have begun.

Local authorities have begun was to develop public transport, but have faced a problem: at one-storeyed building it is necessary or to put bus stops under each bush, or the people should stamp to these stops on foot from apart. The Same problems at a local hybrid of underground with high-speed tram.

Though of the last recently at last have found application — began to use for a transfer of crowds of tourists between the basic tourist baits. And the local population in overwhelming majority simply ignores public transport.

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