Monday, April 27, 2009

Barbie's doll have allowed to parody

Barbie Girl

Barbie's world renowned doll can be parodied, as the parody is the integral attribute of work and the general activity of any known character.

Such decision, agrees to the data of broadcasting company BBC, has accepted the American court under the claim of manufacturers of the well-known doll to the Danish pop group Aqua which in 1997 has let out song Barbie Girl.

In the song and in the removed videoclip the soloist of group in the excentric form represents Barbie, and the second participant of group of its friend Ken. Manufacturers assert that use of an image of Barbie breaks the law on the copyright, and the parody image harms to image of the doll.

Barbies recognised as a culture symbol

However judge Alex Kozinski has considered that the song is protected by the federal law on a freedom of speech as is than other as a parody and the social comment.

"Company Mattel has created not simply Barbie's doll, and a certain symbol of modern culture, — the judge confirms. — and celebrities often become object of the attention let even undesirable".

Parody to Barbie and Ken

By the way, recently saw in cult night club the girl similar to Barbie. There can be company Mattel on it too in court will submit?

Related Posts: Barbie

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Melting continent

Melting glacier

The scale research spent within the limits of the International polar year, has shown that Antarctica melts much faster, than was considered till now.

Many scientists have been assured that intensive disappearance of ices is observed basically on Antarctic peninsula. The new data shows that the ice sheet area decreases in all Western Antarctica. Some of huge glaciers slip in ocean almost twice faster, than several decades ago. The mass of glaciers annually decreases on 114 billion tons. All ice of Greenland approximately so much weighs.

Thawing of glaciers occurs not only on the coldest continent, but also in warmer places. Research of the ministry of environment of Spain has shown that the area of the Spanish glaciers for last 100 years was reduced almost to 90%.

Mountain skiers start to sound alarm

Many scientists believe that the originator of fast disappearance of mounting skiing resorts and, accordingly, catastrophic lifting of level of the World ocean is global warming. Accelerate global warming the hotbed gases most known of which is CO2, or carbonic gas can. It gets to atmosphere at breath, combustion of fossil fuel, eruptions of volcanoes and other processes. CO2 (along with other hotbed gases) does not allow to a heat emission to leave from a surface of the Earth, promoting gradual growth of temperature.

The researchers considering global warming by real threat (this point of view divide not all), develop the various methods, allowing to measure maintenance CO2 in atmosphere. One of the most effective ways are satellite observation.

The American space agency (NASA) has developed and has designed the device intended only for this work. The companion under name OCO (Orbiting Carbon Observatory) has been started from base of the Air Forces of the USA by Vandenberg in California on February, 24th, 2009.

Sara Russell tells about Antarctic

Saturday, April 18, 2009

France has chosen the candidate on the Olympic Games 2018

Annecy 2018

The French Olympic Committee has chosen the candidate on carrying out of winter Olympic games of 2018 small Alpine city Annecy. At voting Annecy has bypassed Nice and Grenoble.

Annecy it is located in the east of France, near to border with Switzerland. The city totals the little more than 50 thousand inhabitants.

Competitors in struggle for a title of Olympic capital 2018

Competitors Annecy in struggle for carrying out of Olimpiady-2018 will be: Munich, Reno-Tahoe, Tromse, and Phenchhan who applied for the winter Olympic Games 2010 and 2014.

Last time France accepted Olympic games in 1992 (Winter Olympic Games in Albertville). Paris applied for carrying out of the summer Olympic Games 2008 and 2012, but the choice in both cases became not in favour of the French capital.

Presentation preview trailer Annecy

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I am a Capricorn!


Ambition, constancy, diligence, the organisation. Being a sign on the Earth, the Capricorn are not content in the afternoon.

Capricorns often have a sensation as if they are waited by the great future. They would like to make something especial, to name the possession, to care of it, to incur high obligations in a trade, in the politician or intellectual area.

At them fine intuition which they with success show in struggle for the independence and economic security. Like Saturn, they are hardy, persistent, both feet stand on the earth. Love the right and the law. Protect instructions and laws. Consider reason as the higher precept, thus perfectly are guided in a practical life. Study not for the sake of the study, and for the sake of mastering by knowledge.

The Capricorn — nature self-sufficient

Steadily go to top, despite of obstacles. Are capable to a hard work. Work program and consider that the world in a debt at them for their work. Trust in the forces, realists, are cautious. Do not like to depend on someone's arrangement. Always find decisions, even for difficult problems. Are accurate and methodical in work. Consider that housekeeping should be organised. Suit supervising posts, on the subordinated posts long are not late.

Voluntary never recede. Clamber on a success ladder, being guided by ambition and aspiration to reliability. Capricorns love money as it is a sign on long-livers, and they are afraid to become dependent in an old age. This fear often does their avaricious and stingy.

In a youth they old men, and in an old age - young. In the childhood are ill, having coped with illnesses, can hope for a long life. Propensity to a melancholy and loneliness. In a shower Capricorns are sensitive and require a recognition.

The ingenious Capricorn

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Barbie's doll became serving McDonald's


Company Mattel, the manufacturer of toys, publishes Barbie's new doll.

This time the plastic beauty — the employee of restaurant of fast food McDonald's. According to, it and is called McDonald's Barbie doll.

Barbie's doll sells a fast food

This week the new toy will be presented to the USA, and in Europe she can be purchased in August. New Barbie will be dressed in the red-yellow form of workers McDonald's. The plastic tray is applied On a doll with children's set Happy Meal and a cash register.

Representatives of company Mattel deny that with the advent of this doll of the girl insalubrious hamburgers and cheeseburgers from McDonald's will want to eat more often.

Barbie: "Free cash desk!"

Related Posts: Barbie

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Prince Charles have convicted of architectonic lobbying

One New Change

Prince of Wales, tried to affect a course of building of office complex One New Change in the centre of London and to force the builder to select conservative, instead of the futuristic architectonic project.

The prince not the first time reproach with "guarding" lobbying, but the history with One New Change has got to the press, in particular, in The Guardian, for the first time.

Building One New Change in cost of 500 million pounds sterling for the largest developer of Great Britain Land Securities is erected by eminent French architect Jean Nouvel, the owner of the Royal gold medal, the higher British award for architects. Prince Charles tried to convince Land Securities of necessity to refuse the project and to resort to services of the bureaus recommended by the prince. The successor of the British throne was afraid that new trading and office building will damage to shape of St. Paul's Cathedral.

Prince Charles understands nothing in the architect

The Guardian results the list of other interventions of the prince in architectonic projects, in particular, at its participation the program of building of a new complex in cost of 200 million pounds sterling has been frozen. In the beginning of August, 2009 at once five bureaus, dividing Charles's approach to architecture, have been selected by the Qatar company for participation in competition on a building development of old army barracks in the London neighbouring commune of Chelsea. According to the newspaper, the prince has convinced builders to refuse services of the well-known architect Richard Rogers who has constructed, among other, Pompidou's centre in Paris and Millenium Dome in the British capital.

St. Paul's Cathedral

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The fountain of princess Diana cleared of waste will open again

Diana memorial

The memorial fountain of princess Diana in London, closed on July, 22nd for cleaning and debugging, again will be opened for access next week, newspaper The Guardian has informed on Thursday.

The royal society on prevention of accidents prepares new instructions for visitors according to whom now it will be forbidden to them to wander on water.

The monument opened on 6th of June in the London Hyde Park as a keepsake of princess Diana, for the short period of time became popular vacation spot of thousand tourists and the town-dwellers coming here with children. The fountain representing an oval ring in length of 80 metres and width of 50 metres, combined of 545 lumps of a granite, has got littered after the hurricane carried by over a city and has been closed after three visitors have slipped and were traumatised, броя on water.

The memorial of princess Diana should be closed absolutely

Rory Coonan, the former head of department of architecture of Council of Arts of Great Britain, has critically estimated a construction. In its opinion, the fountain project was unsuccessful initially, and the memorial should be closed absolutely. He has referred to culture Department from which consent the monument has been established, having told that officials of department should have boldness to recognise the error.

The representative of Department of Culture, on the contrary, has expressed yesterday in memorial protection, naming it "an example of qualitative architecture". He believes that "observance by visitors of new instructions will guarantee their safety."

Princess Diana Memorial Fountain in Hyde Park

Monday, April 6, 2009

Barbie's manufacturer demands from the competitor

Bratz Doll

The lawyer of the manufacturer of a doll of Barbie of company Mattel John Quinn has demanded from contestant firm MGA of 1,8 billion dollars of indemnification for infringement of copyrights, writes Telegraph. Such claims are put forward during litigation between two manufacturers of dolls.

Earlier the court has defined that designer MGA Carter Bryant which has created for MGA of dolls Bratz Dolls, has come to this idea to an operating time in Mattel.

Lawyers MGA with claims agree

Representatives Mattel gave reason for so considerable sums of claims that MGA did not achieve considerable commercial successes with the dolls to project Bratz Dolls.

Bratz Dolls or Barbie Dolls?

Related Posts: Barbie

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Barbie's manufacturer has defended copyrights

Barbie face

The Californian court recognised validity of claims of company Mattel, the manufacturer of a doll of Barbie, to other founder of toys, firm MGA Entertainment, writes BBC News.

On a court verdict, the idea of dolls Bratz Dolls has arisen at employee MGA in an operating time in Mattel. Item Mattel was based that on all created the company had copyrights. Carter Bryant worked in Mattel in 1995-1998 and 1999-2000. MGA insisted that задумка about new dolls has appeared at it just in an interval between these two periods.

Now Mattel can expect for mullions-strong indemnification for infringement of copyrights as MGA earns on Bratz Dolls about 500 million dollars a year. Thus MGA in general it can be forbidden to sell this type of dolls.

MGA insists on sketches

It is supposed that chief executive MGA Isaac Larian will insist that dolls have been created by designers MGA only on the basis of drawings, and, hence, the company has copyrights to them. Such item can essentially reduce the sums of fines.

Basing in California Mattel is the largest manufacturer of toys in the world. Its annual net profit makes about billion dollars. Company capitalisation exceeds 6 billion dollars. After news about a prize of process at MGA shares Mattel were lifted for 4,4%.

Barbie vs Bratz, or MGA vs Mattel

Related Posts: Barbie


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