Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Barbie's doll became serving McDonald's


Company Mattel, the manufacturer of toys, publishes Barbie's new doll.

This time the plastic beauty — the employee of restaurant of fast food McDonald's. According to Ananova.com, it and is called McDonald's Barbie doll.

Barbie's doll sells a fast food

This week the new toy will be presented to the USA, and in Europe she can be purchased in August. New Barbie will be dressed in the red-yellow form of workers McDonald's. The plastic tray is applied On a doll with children's set Happy Meal and a cash register.

Representatives of company Mattel deny that with the advent of this doll of the girl insalubrious hamburgers and cheeseburgers from McDonald's will want to eat more often.

Barbie: "Free cash desk!"

Related Posts: Barbie

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