Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Chris Brown lost watch: Girl who found it is wanted!

Chris Brown VMA performance 2011    Press Association Images
This really caught my eye: the story of the Chris Brown lost watch! So TMZ had previously reported that Chris Brown had lost his watch while performing at the VMA's (Chris Brown VMA performance 2011)! Reportedly when Chris Brown's bodyguard went to look for it, they came to find out that a girl had found it! However, the bodyguard of Chris Brown didn't get the name of the girl who had found the watch. So now Chris Brown feels really grateful about it... and he really wishes that the girl who found his 22k Rolex gets back at them! Chris Brown plans on rewarding the girl who found his watch by personally thanking her and by giving her tickets and backstage passes to his brand new tour!

That's a nice act from Chris Brown! But the girl really impressed me: apparently she didn't even care about giving out her name when returning his watch! Her honesty really stunned Chris Brown, so let's see what happens now! What do you guys think?

Post presented by:
Life is Like a Box of Chocolates: An Inspirational Novel.

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