Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Employment Prospects

Getting a Construction NVQ is a great way to get ahead in the industry and it can also be done without missing a single day of work. Getting an NVQ will mean you qualify for a better CSCS Card and this is vital to your future job prospects. The construction industry is becoming increasingly hostile to workers without a CSCS Card and it is very likely you will be unable to find work without one.

Get an NVQ While You Work and get the next CSCS Card

An NVQ and a CSCS Card show employers that you are competent at your job, that you can do it safely and that you are committed to it. Competence and commitment are probably the two things most valued by employers and an NVQ and CSCS Card shows them. You will be assessed on site so you will not lose any pay, you cannot fail a Construction NVQ because if you do not get enough credits you can simply organise more assessment and keep building your portfolio. This is a great opportunity to take the next step in your career.
For more information call us on 0203 151 1004 and get the NVQ and CSCS Card you need for the job you want.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Work in Exciting Construction Projects in London

Safety Test

It is a very exciting time to start work in the Construction Industry in London. There are several major projects which are underway in the UK capital. These include large-scale building works for the Olympic Games which are coming up in 2012 as well some construction projects on some incredibly modern skyscrapers which will revolutionise the London skyline.
While it is a great time to be working in construction, and also a very good time to be looking for work on fascinating construction projects there are certain criteria that employees will be looking for when they hire workers for these projects. Chief among these will be that the employee has a CSCS card. CSCS cards prove that the worker is competent to industry standards and has a good knowledge of Health and Safety procedures. At this time about 80% of building sites in London and the rest of the UK require all workers to have a CSCS card and this number is growing.
No matter what level you want enter construction in London at a CSCS card will be your route into the industry. The first step to getting a CSCS Card is to take a CSCS Heath & Safety test in London. After this you will need to take the correct NVQ for your skill set and you will qualify for a CSCS card. Once you get a CSCS card you will be qualified to work on these London construction sites.
Let Construction Support Line (call 0203 051 1004 for professional advice) make sure you get your Health & Safety Test, CSCS card and NVQ in the shortest amount of time possible, don’t waste time or money getting the wrong card!

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Californian Umbrellas


The California Life

The Eco Project «UMBRELLA» (Los Angeles, California) has received the first $5,000 from LA Cleantech Corridor and Green District Competition. Participants of competition should offer concepts of transformation of the central part of a mega-city in the present generator of hybrid technologies and green innovations.

An Unusual Californian UMBRELLAs

Project UMBRELLA developed by architects by Constantin Boincean, Ralph Bertram and Aleksandra Danielak, represents group of solar evaporators in the form of umbrellas-mushrooms which collect and recycle city sewage then again return on a streets by evaporation and condensation, promoting formation of a net of picturesque green public visual environments.

Los Angeles, CA

The vision of «the Corridor of High-Tech Eco-Technologies» — the multipurpose zone which will capture more 2,000 acres of land nearby of Los Angeles — have introduced about seventy participants — ecologists, architects, designers, experts in a visual environment, engineers, town-planners. UMBRELLA has been chosen, as the most professional and harmonious decision promoting the further development of an aesthetic and harmless urban environment.

Eco technologies

Authors of the Eco project and organizers of competition hope that organic forms of UMBRELLA will serve as good stimulus for the further development of Los Angeles eco-design infrastructure.


Thus, each UMBRELLA becomes the coordination center for social events and actions and will be connected with the colleagues-twins by means of the City Net, including, new type of transport.


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