Sunday, March 20, 2011

Smart Balance of the Nature & Modern Architectural Technologies

Futuristic prototype

The Architectural Prototype

According to founders of this futuristic project — the Australian architectural studio «Laboratory for Visionary Architecture» (LAVA), the «Home of the Future» represents itself as a metaphor concluding sense of the vital issues of our time.

Futuristic Project of the Future

The futuristic prototype of architecture of the future, urged to balance requirements of the person and the nature into uniform ultra-modern Eco-system. The theme of mutual relations of the person with environment and modern technologies finds development in the huge dome-shaped structure. Construction of huge architectural structure will be begun in the end of 2011 in Beijing (China).

Futuristic project
Architectural object
The future architecture

Here will be presented 15 various samples of a micro-climate the planets recreating characteristic environment for them with integrated information technology which carry out function of the electronic vein providing a comfortable life.
The dome-shaped ceiling of structure is made from transparent plastic cover «ETFE». This modern technological material is fine alternative to traditional glass, because has twice smaller weight, lower cost and ability to pass an ultraviolet light. Last characteristic is the big advantage for formation of winter gardens and greenhouses. Besides, the ETFE is highly elastic and steady against temperature differences.
At the moment, the project Home of the Future participates in the architectural exhibition which is passing in Sydney (Australia) from now on and till March, 31st. Authors of innovative building project will present: specifications, real 3D-models, computer visualization and demonstration animation.

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