Thursday, January 21, 2010

Barbie Superstar

Goddess Barbie

Barbies evening dress

Goddess Barbie

Magnificent Barbie

Queen Barbie

Racer Barbie

Supersatar Barbie

Queen Barbie

Related Posts: Barbie

Luxury Dream House For Barbie

Malibu Dream House

The design of a private residence in California where company Mattel has celebrated the anniversary, has been entrusted designer Jonathan Adler.

«Barbie is a client of my dream, — Adler admires. — Actually it was difficult to pick up the house completely to reproduce atmosphere of the world of Barbie, however we have found a tremendous private residence in Malibu on a steep rock at bottom of Pacific ocean».

Barbie's mirror

It is interesting, as there could live the girl on whom half of modern women is brought up practically. Respectably. Magnificently. Carefree. Probably, as any of you dreams. Barbie's clothes total more than 50 pairs similar pink barefoot persons, the glamor bed laid by a pink silk coverlet, and that in garage… is clear, newcomer New Volkswagen Beetle. Pink, certainly!

VW Beetle for Barbie

Volkswagen Beetle

The house where the girl lives, by the way, which never existed on light, it is decorated by design chandeliers of manual work on which manufacturing left on 30 wigs and 60 hours of laborious work. And also Barbie's delightful portrait which has been written Andy Warhol.

Magnificent terrace

Glamour drawing room

Barbies shoes

Barbies room

Dream House go to Las Vegas

During dressing Mattel has given to the designer access to huge archives of the company where there are all materials about Barbie's all doll houses. Therefore many pieces of furniture have been reproduced on an image of armchairs and the sofas already belonging to the well-known doll. After celebratings the part of scenery will be sent to Las Vegas where they become hotel Palms Casino Resort ornament.

Barbies bed

Bedroom lux

White sofa

Photo by Tom Andrews/LAist

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Erotic collage from Barbie's dolls

You so can?

Collage from Barbie

Doll collage

Barbies breast

Fragment of a female breast

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Nation Princesses of the World

Princess of China

Barbie — the Princess of China

Very beautiful dolls Barbie from a collection of the Princess of the world — all are dressed in national clothes of the different countries and different epoch.

Doll Barbie is dressed in a royal charming dress, according to traditions of the Far East. Exotic the dress, a bright make-up and the thought over hair-dress, a crown, gold ear rings — make really royal impression.

Barbie — the Princess of Egypt

Egyptian princess

The Egyptian princess with magnificent black hair is dressed in a gold dress, with a white fabric round shoulders and a delightful necklace on a breast. Additional jewelry in the form of gold bracelets and a crown in the form of a snake — a symbol of ancient Egypt.

Barbie — the Princess of India

Princess of India

The princess of India is dressed in the most known type of the Indian clothes, made of an easy brilliant material. Since it is the princess the Indian princess should carry the gold medallion named tikka, is an ornament on a forehead.

Barbie — the Princess of Southern Africa

Princess of Southern Africa

The princess of Southern Africa it is proud carries the traditional dress. The Black-and-White dress of the princess is covered from above colorful ngurara (a bright blanket). In culture Ndebele fitting rings on a neck are considered as the most attractive and essential accessories. The South African princess carries bracelets standing and a neck, so-called izixolwana. Gold-red an ornament on a head and a mace in a hand let know, that it is the royal person.

Barbie — the Princess of the Ancient Greece

Princess of the Ancient Greece

The princess of the Ancient Greece carries magnificent, copper color the dress named "tunic" which flashes and is poured at bright light. The light easy cape is attached to the right shoulder by the gold pins executed in the form of a head of a lion. On a hand the princess carries a gold bracelet in the form of a snake and finishes a royal attire a gold crown.

Barbie — the Princess of Russian empire

Princess of Russian empire

The huge and mysterious earth of Russian empire the tsar and the tsarina and their daughter, the princess which was known as the Great Duchess operated. The ruling family possessed uncountable riches. This magnificent historical period is beautifully presented in the Princess of Russian empire. The doll is dressed in a traditional Russian dress of that time.

Barbie — the Princess of Japan

Princess of Japan

The princess of Japan of the end of 19th century. Though the Japanese princess often carries exotic suits for ceremonial events, today on the princess a traditional Kimono, fine for informal picnic far from a palace. The kimono with long sleeves of bright orange tones is decorated by a beautiful ornament. Green Obi (belt) will wrap up round a waist. The Japanese Barbie carries sandals Zori, and hair are decorated by three white florets.

Barbie — the Scandinavian princess

Scandinavian princess

The princess of an epoch of Vikings is independent and strong. The Scandinavian princess carries a beautiful brilliant dress in the spirit of that time (battle of legendary Vikings). Light hair are covered from above by a gold helmet with an ornament in the form of wings.

Barbie — the Princess of Korea

Princess of Korea

The princess of Korea wears the beautiful dress hanbok. It is standard to celebrate Sol Nal (New year), in the first day of spring which is also in the first afternoon of new lunar year.

Barbie — the Princess of Holland

Princess of Holland

The princess of Holland is dressed on a fashion of 17th century. From ornaments on the Dutch princess — a necklace with gold furnish, pearl bracelets and ear rings-teardrops. The princess of Holland a vein during time known as the Golden Age of art in Europe. Many known artists became known during this period.

Related Posts: Barbie

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pepper spray — your personal bodyguard!

Pepper spray

Peppery gas is much more effective some tear gas. A peppery spray will instantly paralyse the criminal and do not possess any by-effects. Peppery gas under various trade marks is issued and is packaged in bottles and cylinders of different volumes.

Cayenne pepper

The pepper spray is made from a natural product capsium oleoresini. If peppery gas to apply correctly the spray for short time completely puts out of action the person of any physical and emotional standard. Peppery gas causes in the victim fits of coughing and an asthma; the victim cannot open an eye and tests the strongest burning on a skin.

Cayenne pepper

Do not spray against a wind!

Certainly, and peppery gas too has lacks. The spray cannot be sprayed against a wind. If to apply peppery gas indoors the peppery spray can paralyse all present.
There was a case when one unlucky visitor of restaurant has decided to show action of peppery gas to the friend. In some minutes, from restaurant it was necessary to evacuate all visitors and attendants. If there is no possibility to apply a peppery spray, womens boots — are always aimed exclusively in a groin!

In a groin

The cloud of the gas sprayed on open air, completely dissipates in forty five minutes. If suddenly you have undergone to influence of peppery gas you should wash out immediately eyes cold water and to leave on fresh air. Then it is necessary to wash up all body and hair with soap.

However, at all not accepting any actions, you will come in yourselves of minutes through fifteen or, at worst, in forty five minutes. If you have not recovered and through three quarters of hour call the doctor. Having come in itself, wash all clothes. If womens work clothes has undergone interaction with peppery gas the clothes should be washed properly.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Pink shoes for Barbie

Barbies shoes

Christian Louboutin is the latest designer to give Barbie a make over. In honor of Barbie's 50th anniversary, he's due to release 3 new Barbie dolls which he has designed from head to toe remaking both her fashion wardrobe and her physical appearance.

Footwear for Barbie

Along with pink footwear for Barbie, the renowned shoe designer has also given nip and tuck with a thinner ankle. Christian credits this change in physical attributes to his consideration of the technical aspects of shoe making.

Barbie superhero

Barbie museum

Barbie evening dress

The posing Barbie

"She needed great shoes, a thinner ankle and, to me, as I'm obsessed with feet, a foot more curved," — speaks Christian Louboutin.

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Barbie's unique collection

Female dresses

Designer Eliana Lorena has dressed 500 black Barbie's according to different cultures of women from around the world, with clothes that she has created. Lorena's goal was to make Barbie become a real woman, not the woman becoming the Barbie.

Barbie's collection

Barbies unique dolls

Black Barbie doll

Collection of dolls

Barbies collection

Barbie's unique dolls

"I chose Barbie, because she is a strong icon, which has approval by definition, giving her another identity." — speaks Lorena.

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For the first time for 30 years in Britain there will be "black" Barbie

Michelle Obama effect

The Telegraph writes, that for the first time for 30 years in the Great Britain Barbie and Barbie's "black" doll of "the mixed nationality» will go on sale.

Grace, Kara & Trichelle

In total there will be three models of such dolls by name of Grace, Kara and Trichelle. At them fuller lips, a wide nose and curly hair. Experts believe, that the given step is connected with so-called «Michelle Obama effect» and huge interest of public to the first lady of the USA and her daughters.

The second attempt

For the first time "black" Barbie has appeared on counters of the British shops in 1980 the newspaper, however, informs, the doll did not use special popularity and has soon disappeared from sale.

Barbie goes to cinema

Barbie cinema

Invasion of toys in multiplexes proceeds. After «Transformers» and «G I. Joe» it was possible to puzzle long over that who becomes the following, or to joke about a teddy bear screen version. However today's stunning news laid on the surface: company Universal has bought the rights to Barbie's screen version.

Family a comedy in Barbie's world

Yes-yes, you have not misheard, the most known toy blonde will receive the first screen version in a genre — who would doubt — a family comedy. "Barbie's" general brand-manager Richard Dickson, however, has immediately damped an ardour of film fans, having informed what to hurry up with appointment of date of release gathers nobody, and the director and a script writer are not appointed to the project yet.

Besides, it is not known, in what doll world will lodge cinema Barbie: for years of existence of Barbie has had time to create all preconditions for the long-playing franchise. The main question, actually, consists in the one who will play the main heroine. For some reason it would be desirable to believe, that Scarlett Johansson.

Scarlett Johansson

Barbie's cinema embodiment

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Heidi Klum has reincarnated in Barbie

Heidi Klum

The supermodel and popular TV presenter Heidi Klum continues to ennoble the greatness. This time the beauty has decided to advance the name in the market of children's toys, together with designer Robert Best has created Barbie's doll which appearance "has inherited" appearance Heidi.

Heidi Klum and Barbie doll

I have fallen in love with Barbie...

Klum-Barbie Designers have dressed in the stylish brilliant minidress showing one of the main advantages of model — long feet. Itself Heidi Klum by a doll it is admired: «I have fallen in love with Barbie. It as if the carried out dream».

Heidi Klum Barbie doll

Barbie Klum

To become the owner of tiny doll version Heidi Klum it is possible all for 50 dollars. The toy is created within the limits of collection Barbie's Blonde Ambition where have entered Barbie in the form of the most popular blondes of the world.

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The revived Barbie

Black Barbie

The Swedish photographer and retoucher Carl Kleiner has decided to recover Barbie's doll and by means of the skills. Not a secret, that Barbie's doll it is not so simple a plastic piece, it is a cultural symbol. About Barbie write clever books, investigate as a phenomenon together with all present and former friends, tens mastered trades and hundreds accessories.

The revived dolls

Kleiner has decided to investigate Barbie by means of the skills. Barbie and any Kens have undergone to processing and installation, and here such images of "live" dolls as a result have turned out...

Barbie and Admirers

Boyfriend Barbie

Barbie doll

Boyfriend Ken

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