Monday, January 18, 2010

Barbie goes to cinema

Barbie cinema

Invasion of toys in multiplexes proceeds. After «Transformers» and «G I. Joe» it was possible to puzzle long over that who becomes the following, or to joke about a teddy bear screen version. However today's stunning news laid on the surface: company Universal has bought the rights to Barbie's screen version.

Family a comedy in Barbie's world

Yes-yes, you have not misheard, the most known toy blonde will receive the first screen version in a genre — who would doubt — a family comedy. "Barbie's" general brand-manager Richard Dickson, however, has immediately damped an ardour of film fans, having informed what to hurry up with appointment of date of release gathers nobody, and the director and a script writer are not appointed to the project yet.

Besides, it is not known, in what doll world will lodge cinema Barbie: for years of existence of Barbie has had time to create all preconditions for the long-playing franchise. The main question, actually, consists in the one who will play the main heroine. For some reason it would be desirable to believe, that Scarlett Johansson.

Scarlett Johansson

Barbie's cinema embodiment

Related Posts: Barbie doll

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