Saturday, December 19, 2009

The house for the artist in Los Angeles

Art-studio in LA

Studio 0.10 Architects, the architectural bureau from Los Angeles, has finished building of the house for the artist in which the art studio, and also premises for a life and entertainments will take places.

Art-studio in Los Angeles

Actually, the house consists of two houses which are connected by an internal court yard. In a two-storeyed building the garage, apartment and art studio have taken places.

Under showrooms the second building, by height three floors is given. Facades of both buildings are covered by zinc panels, frames for windows are made from IpĂȘ wood, differing high durability, stability to influence of an environment and durability.

Studio in Los Angeles

Private picture gallery in Los Angeles

In connection with restrictions of a place of construction, it has been decided to break demanded zones into separate parts thanks to what external territories were generated. A certain sandwich in which two houses move with a layer in the form of an internal court yard has turned out. Exhibition areas are wrapped up round a house facade, simultaneously carrying out a functional and aesthetic role, softening solidity of objects.

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