Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Getting some Broadway entertainment at home

Guest post written by Mike Collins

Sometimes it's really tough to entertain a family when you're trying to stick to a budget. But I like to make sure that we do have fun when we're at home trying to stick to our limited budget. It takes a little bit fo creativity, but it ends up that we play a lot of board games and watch a lot of movies together. I'm always on the look out for a new and exciting family movie for us to rent.

When I was looking online for one a few weeks ago, I ran across some information about miracle-ear. I showed it to my wife and we both decided to take hearing aids tests. We both got fitted with some and I think it was a really great decision on our part to do it.

I found where they filmed this Broadway play called Memphis, so I rented that and we all really loved it. There's nothing like a fun musical to bring the whole family together. Although now my wife's saying that I should take them to see it on Broadway.

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