Friday, July 22, 2011

Women fight in train: baby in stroller rolls out! What?

Women fight in subway train baby stroller rolls out the doors.
 Two women fight in a subway as baby rolls out through the train doors. Please be advised that the following video has strong content and language:

I found the story this morning on Pretty scary huh? The two women in the New York subway were fighting over a seat, making this a video that is now going viral. One onlooker grabs the baby as others separate the two women that were fighting in the New York subway.

Women fighting in New York subway, baby stroller rolls out the doors: 
July 2011
The New York Police is investigating the incident of the women fighting in the New York Subway July 2011. What do you guys think about this incident? Would you have let your anger get to the point of fighting someone over a seat, especially when you got a baby with you?

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