Toys for Kids
The tree — is probable, the most ancient material for manufacturing of children's toys. Easily gives in to processing, is capable to accept different forms and to be painted into different colors. The tree is a live material which gives harmony, balance and positive energy.
According to psychologists, the children toy should be made of natural materials. Natural materials, unlike synthetic, hand over the truthful information on world around. For example, the plastic cube can be the big size, but weigh slightly. Such subject deforms representation about conformity of weight and volume.
Wooden Toys — the Best Toys For the Child!
Besides, a hand of the child, perceiving natural materials, receives the information on the world. The tree bark — rough, a stone — smooth, sand — loose, water does not contain the form. Playing with plastic toys, the hand of the child feels only their smooth, cold surface.
Many European manufacturers choose a tree as the main material for creation of toys. It's a non-polluting natural material which is capable to make a wonders. The applied material (a birch, a linden, paints and varnishes on a water basis) for traditional wooden toys corresponds to the highest sanitary-and-hygienic requirements, manual skills and a manual work prevail at toys creation.
The wooden toy created by the Italian masters is a subject of art, this small miracle created by old generations, was born again for future generation.
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