Sunday, July 4, 2010

Luxury Train will connect Las Vegas to Los Angeles


In the USA have found a way to involve in a gambling of naive inhabitants: by the end of 2011 the X Train Company plans to start manufacture of magnificent train-casino, thus this train will connect Los Angeles to Las Vegas. Travel limit: 480km (approximately 5 hours of a trip).

Full Spectrum of Conveniences

From that scanty information which is accessible at present, it is possible to understand, that the train will make 5 trips/Week. Number of trips only in case of the big agiotage of clients will increase. Certainly, a train will equip with all accessible entertaining services, such as: cosy apartments, magnificent restaurants, Internet rooms, and other rooms for relaxation. Besides it, in a train there is a sports bar for fans of totes. Travel cost is quite accessible ~ only $99 one way.

Casino in train

Luxury Train

In general, despite the universal tendency to an interdiction or restriction of number of similar gambling institutions, gambling's still feel quite confidently, thus game magnates or start to invest in special economic zones, or think out unusual ways of earnings.

The X Train Report

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