Sunday, April 18, 2010

Barbie «the Star of Milan»

The Star of Milan

Barbie dolls always were and remain fashion-makers. And the best to volume acknowledgement — collection of Barbie dolls «the Star of Milan» from a glamour series «Best Top Models».

The stylish Milan woman of fashion

Barbie in the attractive bathing dress and with the smart hard ringlets collected in a stylish hairdress, looks exactly as top model.

Best Top Models

This collection doll will help girls to open their own feeling of style: the complete set, besides the basic dress, includes: a skirt, a golden blouse, a black jacket, and also a business suit.

Fashionable doll Barbie

Fashion doll Barbie

With such rich complete set of clothes your daughter will think out for the Barbie all new and new styles!

Barbie Party at Milan

Related Posts: Barbie

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