Sunday, May 10, 2009

Rome does not apply for the Olympic Games 2016


Capital of Italy Rome has refused participation in struggle for right to accept summer Olympic games of 2016 after Sochi has acquired the right of carrying out of Winter Olympic games 2014.

Italians consider that after Olimpiad in London (2012) and Sochi (2014) following Games will be received, most likely, by a city representing the non-European country, informs AFP.

Olympic Rome

The main favourite on carrying out of the Olympic Games of 2016 considers now Chicago (USA). As to Rome now Italians plan to struggle for summer Games — 2020. "We will not hurry up and trifle money, and we will be prepared for Games of 2020", — the mayor of Rome Walter Veltroni in interview to local edition Corriere della Sera has underlined.

The international Olympic committee (IOC) will start to accept demands of the cities applying for carrying out of the Olympic Games 2020. I will notice that in 2009 Rome will accept the World championship by water kinds of sports, and in 2010 — superiority of a planet on volleyball.

Olympic stadium in Rome

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