Sunday, March 1, 2009

Wal-Mart Will sell speaking toy Jesus

Doll Jesus

In 425 from 3376 shops Wal-Mart will soon go on sale Jesus plastic dolls and other bible heroes, writes The Daily Telegraph.

Management of a network of supermarkets and the manufacturer of dolls, the Californian firm One2belive consider "religious" dolls as suitable alternative of popular Barbies, Bratz and other popular superheroes. Their price will make about 20 dollars. Some of figures including Jesus, by pressing the button quote the Bible.

Toy Jesus — the leader of sales

Dolls in shops in the South and the Midwest will be sold the USA, it is traditional the most Christian regions of the country. The best sales, according to the company-manufacturer, toy Jesus, the second on popularity supplies, Jesus mother — Maria.

Sale of bible toys — a part of strategy Wal-Mart on penetration on the milliard American market of the religious and family goods.

Toy Jesus and its Friends

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