Saturday, August 14, 2010

Equipment For Respectable Men

Beautiful people

The brand of man's underwear «Equmen»™ offers a wide choice of models — for sports, work and rest.

High Technologies of Underwear

Constantly introducing in manufactures new technologies (with special attention to physiology and the temperature control) and carefully developing design, the label aspires to create the models providing the maximum comfort and respectable look's for a life. «Equmen»™ has appeared in the market in 2009 and is really intended for men whom many years waited for the similar underwear created from a unique material of high elasticity.

Fitting T-short

Today sales go on territories of Australia, the Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Spain, Southern Africa and Taiwan. Further, the brand geography will be expanded for Japan, New Zealand and the countries of the Scandinavian region, and also to an underwear line will be added special socks. One of popular trends of a present season is the core precision undershirt. In a similar shirt you will be similar to the real athlete.


The first months of sales have already made for brand owners 7-million profit, reports Reuters. Within this year the company plans to reach annual volumes at level of 12 million dollars. The given confidence is caused by an excessive demand for a new collection of underwear — precision long trunks. According to gossips, this underwear is capable to protect from such illnesses as an impotence and a prostatitis.

Stylish people

Core Precision Undershirt by Equmen

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Correct Dress to Casino

Woman in casino

The today's World is very democratic, but many people still do not know about a dress-code for respectable casino.Dress-code

Dress-code: Strictly & Expensively

The dress-code in a casino strongly differs from a dress-code in night clubs. However, as many casinos adjoin or are the important part of large night clubs, thus security guards of similar institutions put forward general and loyal enough requirements to a dress-code.

Main principles of a dress-code: the person should look stylishly and according to status of casino. The vulgarity here is absolutely unacceptable. Though to a dress for a casino is a little requirements, but they are categorical enough.

Do not put on in a casino transparent blouses and miniskirts. They will be pertinently looked in dance club, but not among hazardous players.

Sinai Grand Casino: No Dress Code!

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